Snapshot: Machida

Traveled out to Machida today with my orientation class to learn how to use the train. I forgot how smooth the train rides on the railway and how fast and reliable public transit is over here. It makes me a little more optimistic about Hawaii’s future rail system, but I know it won’t be anywhere as good as the rail here. Being the first real city I’ve been able to explore (somewhat) since arriving here, I must say it was definitely a nice taste of seeing how congested the streets can get with people. We visited a 5-story 100-yen store a couple blocks away from the train station and walked back through a side road filled with different shops. Since we were limited on time, I didn’t have much time to do what I wanted to do, but I’m definitely looking forward to going back to explore further into Machida.

The pictures don’t really do much justice, but maybe in future posts I’ll be able to provide more details on Machida.

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